Tuesday, February 14, 2012

And Love was in the Air

Anella woke not to the sound of her alarm but to the severe cramping of her abdominals. Though she was in pain, she had a good feeling about this. Her week had been far more stressful than expected, and the fact that she was slightly insane did not help her at all.

After a long yawn she sprang out of bed to get some advil. It had been 4 days, and "it" had not come yet. Anella clicked on the TV, realising that she still had half an hour before she had to get up. Yet another pregnancy test commerical was on the screen, it must have been clearblue or something along those lines. Anella knew it was impossible but she kept thinking it was a sign. She shook the crazy out of her head, shut off the television, and started to draw a bath in preperation for her long day at school.

Anella watched the water steam as it filled up the bathtub, she threw in some salts and took off her pyjamas. The bathroom was cold, she was quick to jump into the bath. The hot water burning the soles of her feet. She jumped right back out, cursing herself for not testing the water first. The mirrors fogged as now cool water was mixing with the hot creating a homemade steamroom. Testing the water this time Anella sunk slowly into the tub. The warm water soothed her abdomen. A tight warm and wet hug all around her waist. She was at peace, she shut her eyes and tried to relax.

Relaxation did not come; anxiety and grief  as thoughts of Tyler filled Anella's head; Tyler had slowly started making attempts to prove he had changed. Their time apart a reflection of what needed to be done  in order to keep a strong and healthy relationship. There were so many reasons Anella could think of that made her want to stay away from him, but her heart shouted at her to let those thoughts rest.

A loud knock on the door brought her back to reality. "Anella, are you ready to go?"
Anella scrambled to her feet, trying to not slip and fall she replied "Yeah, 2 minutes."
Keeling over in pain; throwing on her clothing, stumbling into her shoes, all while applying some mascara without poking herself in the eye; Anella was ready for the day.

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